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August 3, 2005: mmmm... Peanut Butter
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First and foremost, this is an experiment to test the update system. This comic is being posted on wednesday the 2nd, with a date of thursday the 3rd, to see if it goes up early without me doing anything or not. So if this is up wednesday and it says 'thursday', no, you have not entered a time warp. It is still wednesday. However, if you are in fact seeing this on thursday, completely ignore the previous statement. Moving on...

Today's comic is brought to you by Rachel of Moonra-Design, my longtime design companion. She has more talent in her pinky than I do in my whole body, but she's more shy in her entire body than I am in my pinky, so after months of cajoling she finally made me this webcomic. That's supposed to be me asleep on the couch, as I have a tendency to do. I also have a tendency to eat peanut butter. More soon...
(c) Not Quite Wrong, 2001-2005


I'll add text navigation at the bottom
when I figure something out...