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October 5, 2005: Angsty Goodness
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Look up. See the date? It says the fifth. That is a flat out lie and you know it. I know it too. I am updating late. I am a horrible human being, not deserving in true webcomic-dom. Well, I wouldn't go that far...

I got far behind because of the Jewish holiday. Being at home for a few days thew me way off and I'm playing catchup, but I'm so excited about finishing up this story line (and yes, it IS a story line with a plot and everything) that I'm sure I'll catch up in no time.

Okay, now onto some other things. I kept saying I would put up some linkage to all the people from SPX, and here it is. I picked up tons of flyers and swag from everyone there and here's a few of them:
Atomic Sock Monkey Press (Makers of Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot Deluxe and the MNPR Roleplaying game!)
Everything Jake is an awesome webcomic and drawn by a really nice guy who was willing to talk with me at the xpo for quite a while.
Big Cheese Press which holds the great "everyone drunk but me" about being an American in Russia. My friends all read it. Theres also Rockstar Weekend and Starting Point.
Neil Kleind caught my attention by being the only other guy at SPX in a yarmulke. Check out his stuff, especially his upcoming book Brownsville.
Dirty Tissues was smart enough to bring t-shirts not to sell, but to give to cute girls to wear. My friend Carrie even got one, just for putting it on and taking a picture for their site. They do some funny stuff. Pretty smart to make girls put ON shirts for a cause, a novel concept.
While I'd heard of it before, Dave Roman's Astronaut Elementary is good stuff.
I picked up a great comic called Pirates Take Manhattan by Bill Roundy. His website should be checked out, since it is funny stuff.
(c) Not Quite Wrong, 2001-2005


I'll add text navigation at the bottom
when I figure something out...