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October 21, 2004: Untitled
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OK if you can't tell what's going on in the third panel, TJ has (in a moment of genius or stupidity) glued himself to her, um, bosom. While it may sound like a clever ruse, it in fact backfires by her urge to chop off his hand with a saw. Mind you, she could have used a butcher knife, but she felt that of all the sharp objects lying around her, she would rather make him suffer through the sawing process. See? Even when I draw something as absurd as this, there is still levels upon levels to dissect.

Which reminds me, keep your eyes open for the release of my first book, "Not Quite Wrong and Philosophy: A dissection of the funniest comic on the web."

No, not really. Though if you want to write one, feel free to email me about it. This means you, my friend the comic enthusiast /slash/ philosophy major.
(c) Not Quite Wrong, 2001-2005


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